I’m waiting for something to happen. Beyond the existential concept that says we’re all waiting for something, I am waiting right now for information about something very specific. The details of what I’m waiting for aren’t important. The experience of it is what I’m here to discuss.
Most of us can tolerate a certain amount of waiting without too much trouble. We wait in line. We wait in traffic. We wait for our loved ones to come home from a trip. Some kinds of waiting feel benign and others become suffering. This is the suffering kind of waiting. It’s the kind of waiting where I’ve done everything I possibly can to distract myself from obsessing over when I’m going to learn the outcome and all that’s left is hyperawareness of not knowing.
After becoming bored with developing some killer skills in the game 2048, it finally occurred to me that this is exactly the kind of situation Buddhist practice is designed to address (light dawns on marble head, right?). Mindfulness is the answer! Yes, mindfulness. Be in the present moment.
Unfortunately my present moment is fused with uncertainty. There is music playing in the coffee shop I’m sitting in right now. I can hear the sounds of the barista wiping the counters and her sneakers squeaking on the floor. I feel the smoothness of my laptop under the palms of my hands as I type. I’ve just eaten. So I feel well-sated. There is a lingering taste of chocolate on my tongue, since I decided to get a mocha today instead of a plain latte. And…there is an underlying discomfort in the background of not knowing this important information.
It’s a common misunderstanding that the point of mindfulness is to make us feel better, to remove us from our discomfort. Turning back to Pema Chödrön I am reminded that the real instruction is simply to stay. Part of the point of mindfulness is to inoculate ourselves against suffering by practicing staying with the discomfort when it is present, to not distract ourselves or run away from it. Mindfulness in this case is to learn to be with what is, as it is. In learning this lesson, that is how the suffering is released, not by blissing out and just pretending everything feels okay.
Because I am a plan-ahead kind of person, this particular brand of waiting looks like it was special-ordered for me. In order to be relieved from my suffering, I need to stay with the feelings of insecurity and threat I get from not being able to make plans and from not having any kind of control over when or how I will finally get the information I need. I need to examine this suffering so I can become more informed about the result of being strongly attached to a particular outcome.
Having reoriented the purpose of my mindfulness exercise in this case, I bow to this teacher and hope to learn all I can from it before resolution comes.
What is the Future of Theravada Buddhism in Khmer Pit ?
Y do Campoochee Limpet Limpdicks have "sex with a dead woman" in a coffin (Just Like "Dindoo Aghoris")
Y do Campoochee Limpet Limpdicks "rape minors" (just like in Dindoo Land)
Y do Campoochee Limpet Limpdicks have incest where "daddy rapes daughter" and "marrries her and the society accepts it" ( like Brahma and Saraswati)
Y is "Cannibalism" - OK la !
Y do Campoocheee Limpets "pimp their women as wives for Koreans"to kill them "for 10 million USD" insurance
Y do Campoochee Limpet Limpdicks "use marijuana as alternative medicine to feed hogs and make the hogs immune to disease" ( Is it Dindooo Ayuveda!)
Y do 22 year old Campoochee Limpet Limpdicks "rape 77 year old nuns in pagodas and then kill them" - at least "let them live" !
The DindoosHindoos also rape Christian Nuns, but they do not kill the Nuns
Y do Campoochean Limpet Limpdicks "pray to Magic Banana Tree"